Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Holy Innocents Schola Cantorum: Aristotle A. Esguerra, director  Communion: Felices sensus  Mass of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary 
 2. Gilberto Monroig  Ahora seremos felices  Interpreta a Rafael Hernanadez 
 3. Gang Gang Dance  First Communion  First Communion  
 4. Soloists - Janet Balcom Whitlock, David Young and Donna Ward  Communion   
 5. Gang Gang Dance  First Communion  Saint Dymphna  
 6. Gang Gang Dance  First Communion  First Communion  
 7. Gang Gang Dance  First Communion  Saint Dymphna  
 8. Gang Gang Dance  First Communion  Saint Dymphna  
 9. Gang Gang Dance  First Communion  Saint Dymphna  
 10. Gang Gang Dance  First Communion  Saint Dymphna  
 11. Gang Gang Dance  First Communion  Saint Dymphna  
 12. Gang Gang Dance  First Communion  First Communion  
 13. Gang Gang Dance  First Communion  Saint Dymphna  
 14. Gang Gang Dance  First Communion  Saint Dymphna  
 15. The Providence Presbyterian Church Choir  Communion  Communion 
 16. Gang Gang Dance  First Communion  First Communion  
 17. Gang Gang Dance  First Communion  Saint Dymphna  
 18. Gang Gang Dance  First Communion  First Communion  
 19. Gang Gang Dance  First Communion  First Communion  
 20. Gang Gang Dance  First Communion  Saint Dymphna  
 21. Beacon Hill EFC  05 Communion  Easter 2008 You Are 
 22. Lee Evans  Our Last Communion   
 23. Lifechurch.Tv  Communion  Remember 
 24. Doug Wens  Communion 4-01-07  LAICC 
 25. Dr. Tracy Paino  Communion  North Central University Chapel 
 26. Third Day  Communion  Wherever You Are   
 27. Third Day  Communion  Wherever You Are   
 28. Third Day  Communion  Wherever You Are   
 29. Third Day  Communion  Wherever You Are   
 30. Sarah Davis  Communion  Pathway stories 
   1 2 3    »
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